What is “Reefer Breakdown”?

What is reefer breakdown? Reefer breakdown is a trucking industry term that describes an event when the refrigerated unit on a “reefer trailer” breaks down. What causes that breakdown can be a number of different things including lack of fuel, electrical issues, low oil, a mechanical issue with the unit, etc. Be sure to…
DQF Management Success

DQF management success is within reach. But remember, this is not a “set it and forget it” process! Although truckers driver qualification files don’t require constant attention, there are certain things that a trucking company must do to ensure that their CDL drivers remain qualified to drive for them after they are hired. We’ll outline…
How To Prepare for a DOT Audit

Best Practices to Prepare for a DOT Audit The best way to prepare for a DOT audit is to PREVENT a DOT audit in the first place, I promise! Even though most compliance reviews are conducted online these days, any compliance review will take up a significant portion of your time and energy. The mere…
Failed DOT Drug Test, Now What?

Your driver just failed a DOT Drug or Alcohol Test. Now what do you do? Well, take a deep breath and don’t panic! Here’s what to do next: 1) Park The Driver Remove the driver from “a safety sensitive function”. Pull them off of the road immediately…wherever they are. Period. Full Stop. If they’re under…
Avoid Weigh Stations

Avoid Weigh Stations unless you are invited to pull in for a full Level 1 DOT inspection by the officers. I’m often asked “Why don’t I just make sure that my truck will pass inspection and send them through a weigh station to help improve my vehicle maintenance scores? “Purposeful inspections” are a very slippery slope. …
CVSA RoadCheck 2021

CVSA Roadcheck 2021 has been set for May 4-6, 2021. The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) has set May 4-6 as the dates for this year’s International Roadcheck. During the 72-hour enforcement blitz, commercial motor vehicle inspectors in jurisdictions throughout Canada, Mexico and the U.S. will conduct thousands of Level 1 DOT inspections on both…
DOT Clearinghouse: 5 Important Keys

Are you worried about DOT Clearinghouse compliance? If not, you should be! The FMCSA just listed the new civil penalty for a Drug and Alcohol (DACH) clearinghouse violation at $5,833! If you’re concerned about the DOT Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse and what you have to do to comply with the requirements, make sure that you understand…
Cargo Theft Prevention

Cargo theft prevention may not be on the top of mind for most #Fleetowners and #Truckdrivers. But, these loss event could cost you dearly come insurance renewal time. In fact, preventing cargo losses can be a great way to reduce your insurance spending! Additionally, most shippers and freight brokers don’t like to do business with…
New Hours of Service Rules

New Hours of Service rules became effective on the 29th of September, 2020. These changes were introduced by the FMCSA to help provide commercial drivers with additional hours of service flexibility as they struggled with the adoption of ELDs. Two of the most important are changes to the adverse driving conditions exception and additional options…
Hours of Service Changes Coming Soon

New Hours of service rules are going to take effect on September the 29th, 2020. Are you prepared to take advantage of these new HOS regulations? Keep reading to find out! Generally speaking, these changes appear to be pretty positive from a safety perspective as they should provide drivers additional flexibility in complying with the…
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