DOT Recordable Accident: Ultimate Guide

A DOT recordable accident is any crash involving a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) that meets the FMCSA’s carrier safety regulations criteria for reporting. This includes crashes that involve: As a trucking company owner, staying on top of DOT regulations is essential to your business’s compliance and safety success. One of the key areas regulated by…
Clearinghouse Downgrades: What you Need To Know

Next week, almost 180,000 former truck drivers will lose their commercial driving privileges via a Clearinghouse Downgrade. Let’s review how this may impact your fleet. TL;DR, this should really be a non-event for your fleet and for the industry at large. Don’t worry about the hype over this in the press. None of your drivers…
Annual DOT Inspection (Ultimate Guide)

Annual DOT inspections are a critical part of any trucking company’s vehicle maintenance program. But, an average of over 133,000 trucks are cited for Operating a CMV without proof of a periodic inspection (CFR 396.17c ) each year. The real number is closer to 140,000 trucks when you take the COVID 19 enforcement slump out…
Level 1 DOT Inspection: Ultimate Guide

What is a Level 1 DOT Inspection? A Level 1 DOT inspection is a comprehensive (37 step) inspection of a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) and it’s driver that is conducted by a trained and certified CMV inspector. The inspection is designed to identify any safety defects or DOT violations that could potentially lead to an accident and are…
Florida Tort Reform

Florida Tort Reform Changes Tort reform has finally arrived as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a sweeping tort reform bill into law on March 24, 2023 and it has an immediate effective date. Let’s take a brief look at these new changes and then explore how this should help trucking companies. The Florida Tort Reform bill,…
DOT Tire Regulations: Ultimate Guide

DOT Tire Regulations DOT Tire regulations aim to ensure that commercial truck tires meet certain standards for performance and safety, including minimum legal tread depth and proper tire inflation pressures. The Department of Transportation (DOT) has established many safety regulations for tires used on commercial vehicles. These can be found in 49 CFR 393.75. The Federal Motor Carrier…
34 Hour Reset: Your Ultimate Guide

What is the 34 Hour Reset and Why is it Important? As a truck driver or fleet owner, understanding the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations for the 34 hour reset can be very helpful. The FMCSA has specific limitations regarding how drivers can use the 34 hour reset to comply with maximum limits on…
Need A DOT Compliance Services Partner?

DOT compliance services are types of businesses that help trucking companies ensure that they comply with federal and state regulations related to the transportation of goods on public roads. Why Should You Consider Working With A DOT Compliance Services Company? Larger fleets will typically have an in-house safety manager or even a safety department and owner-operators…
DOT Post Accident Drug Testing Simplified

What is DOT Post Accident Drug Testing? DOT Post Accident Drug Testing is a specific type of drug testing that the US Department of Transportation (DOT) requires commercial drivers to undergo following a DOT recordable accident. This type of DOT drug testing is intended to help ensure that drivers were not impaired by drugs or alcohol when…
Level 3 DOT Inspection (Ultimate Guide)

A level 3 DOT inspection is a type of inspection conducted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and its state partners. It is also known as a Driver-Only Inspection. This roadside inspection is the least intrusive of the six levels (or 8 levels) of DOT roadside inspections. What is Level 3 Inspection? Basically, a…