CVSA RoadCheck 2021

CVSA Roadcheck 2021 has been set for May 4-6, 2021. The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) has set May 4-6 as the dates for this year’s International Roadcheck. During the 72-hour enforcement blitz, commercial motor vehicle inspectors in jurisdictions throughout Canada, Mexico and the U.S. will conduct thousands of Level 1 DOT inspections on both…
DOT Clearinghouse: 5 Important Keys

Are you worried about DOT Clearinghouse compliance? If not, you should be! The FMCSA just listed the new civil penalty for a Drug and Alcohol (DACH) clearinghouse violation at $5,833! If you’re concerned about the DOT Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse and what you have to do to comply with the requirements, make sure that you understand…
CVSA Roadcheck 2020

CVSA Roadcheck 2020 starts today! The CVSA International Roadcheck begins today and lasts for the next 72 hours. During this time period, we can expect to see a much greater law enforcement presence on the roadways as CMV inspectors will be conducting thousands of Level 1 DOT inspections. Preparing for CVSA Roadcheck in advance should…
CVSA Brake Safety Week

CVSA Brake Safety Week is scheduled for Sept. 15-22 with a focus on brake hoses and tubing. Given the lackluster performance of trucks undergoing Level 1 DOT inspections during CVSA’s annual International Roadcheck back in June, we should expect similar results. That will mean about 20% of those vehicles and 4% of those drivers inspected to be…
Fleet Safety Management Essentials

Effective fleet safety management is a critical part of any organization’s risk management planning. This is especially important because transportation related incidents account for over 40% of all fatal workplace injuries. Though a risk management approach to fleet safety can be applied to most businesses and organizations, those who operated large trucks on a regular…
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