Are you worried about DOT Clearinghouse compliance? If not, you should be!

The FMCSA just listed the new civil penalty for a Drug and Alcohol (DACH) clearinghouse violation at $5,833!
If you’re concerned about the DOT Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse and what you have to do to comply with the requirements, make sure that you understand these few keys:
DOT Clearinghouse Queries
1) You must run a “full” DACH query on each new driver candidate and receive a “Driver Not Prohibited” result BEFORE that truck driver candidate operates for you.
Running a query is pretty simple. You just have to enter the name, DOB and CDL information of the driver in question. The DOT clearinghouse will send that driver an email to request that you be given permission to view their DACH record.
The driver grants you authorization and the Clearinghouse sends you an email alerting you to the new results.
Registering for the DACH is much harder to do. The FMCSA has published some really good materials, but I suggest you watching this YouTube video that was put out by the OOIDA.
Check out these Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse FAQs!
2) You must also run a “Limited” DACH query at least every 365 days on each driver. A query simply shows if a driver hasn’t failed or refused a DOT drug or alcohol test.
3) You must secure a truck driver’s written permission to order a DACH query. Feel free to use our sample DACH authorization form that you can find here.
4) Employers (or their C/TPA) are responsible for telling the DOT Clearinghouse when a driver refuses to test. Medical Review Officers have to report a failed DOT drug test to the DACH.
If a driver has failed a required drug or alcohol test or violated FMCSA drug and alcohol regulations, they will show us as “prohibited” in further DACH queries and they should be prevented from driving again until they go through the RTD (Return To Duty) process.
5) Every Owner operator must register AND select to be served by a “C/TPA”. These are compliance management companies, like ours, who specialize in helping fleet owners with safety and compliance.
Remember: Drivers who are showing as “Prohibited” in the DACH will receive a Clearinghouse Downgrade of their CDL or CLP.
My Safety Manager is a leading provider of fleet safety management and trucking compliance services for fleets of all sizes.
Our specialized safety management solutions put expert safety professionals in place to help deliver results—safe drivers out on the road who are staying compliant with FMCSA regulations.
We work with you to create customized solutions that meet your unique needs, taking what’s typically far too much work off your plate so you have more time to grow your business.
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