Today, more than ever, attracting and retaining high quality drivers is critical to the success of your business. Additionally, not having a solid safety training program places your business in grave danger. Protect your business with our Video Safety Training program!

Our Video Safety Training modules are great tools to help train your drivers in the critical safety and compliance concepts that they need to know in order to be successful.

We will use these curated safety videos in this library to help you design and implement a high quality safety and compliance training program.

At your request, we can even design a customized new driver on-boarding sequence as well.

Once a driver is assigned a module, they will view the required number of videos and then certify their attendance.

That certification is automatically retained in the Training folder in your Client Portal.

Just Right Click On A Button Below, Copy and Paste It Into Your Email or Text To Your Drivers!

Safe Driving

Vehicle Maintenance


Drug & Alcohol

Drug & Alcohol Management
Post Crash Testing
CBD Oil Use

Hours of Service

Personal Conveyance Use
Adverse Driving Conditions
Yard Moves
Form & Manner Prevention
False Log Prevention
Short Haul Exemption
30 Minute Break Rule
Driver Fatigue Management

Violation Intervention Program (VIP)

The Violation Intervention Program (VIP) provides reinforcement training for drivers who violate critical safety and compliance regulations.

When a violation is discovered (crash or loss event, roadside inspection, event recorder, ELD audit, etc.), we will send the driver a link to the video module.

The driver will review a set of curated videos on the safety/compliance topic and answer a few questions regarding the regulation(s) that were violated.

They must also answer a few open-ended questions that promote accountability.

The driver then certifies their responses and those are automatically recorded and saved in the training folder in your Client Portal.